Why you need to learn to CODE !

Coding is an important skill to learn for the 21st century. With coding, you can create your own website, app, or game. You can also customize existing websites and apps to your liking, or fix errors. Coding is a versatile skill. It can be used for business or personal projects. With coding, you can make your ideas a reality,It’s also a great way to learn problem-solving skills.; When you code, you often have to find a workaround for a problem.

This can be a great lesson in how to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions. Coding is a skill that can be used in any field. Whether you want to be a programmer, a web developer, mechanical Engineer or just know how to create a basic website, coding is a valuable skill to have. Coding is also a fun way to express your creativity. With coding, you can create anything you can imagine. You can also collaborate with others to create even more amazing projects


As we know programming is an important skill to learn these days. With so many technological advances, the world is run by computers. Learning how to code can give you a competitive edge in the job market and can be a fun hobby. So let’s see some benfits we can have…

Remote Jobs 🏡💻

One of the biggest benefits of working remotely is the flexibility it offers. You can often work from home, which can save you time and money on transportation costs. You can also take advantage of remote work opportunities that allow you to travel and see the world.

The Job Market 💼

There are many jobs in the job market that require coding skills. For example, jobs in the technology, engineering, and medical fields often require coding knowledge. By learning how to code, you can qualify for many jobs that you may not have been able to before.

Fun Hobby 🎡🎢🎆

Coding can also be a fun hobby. It can be challenging and rewarding to see the fruits of your labor come to life on a computer screen. Coding can also be a way to express yourself creatively.

New Adventures 🌇

Hackathons are about creativity, collaboration, and community. They are a place where people from all backgrounds can come together to create something new. Hackathons are a way to learn new skills, meet new people, and have fun. Hackathons are a great way to learn new skills. At a hackathon, you can learn to code, design, and build new things. You can also learn how to work with other people and how to be a part of a team.

Anyone can do it!

Many people think that in order to learn to code, they need to be good at math. However, a study recently published in Scientific Reports suggests that this may not be the case. The study found that an aptitude for learning human languages was a better predictor of success than mathematical aptitude when it came to learning Python. This means that if you want to learn to code, you don’t need to be a “math person.” You just need to be motivated to learn.

How to start!

Well after learning about some of the benefits, I hope you have gotten more interested in learning how to code!, and if so you might be asking how should I start?, do I need to study a computer sciencie degree or somthing like that? Than answer is NO, you can start learning today and I forgot to metion FREE !, Of course this is taking a self tought path, but with the internet you can learn almost anything, so I would like to share with you some of the possible options in witch you can start learning:

We can conclude that learning how to code has alot of benfits and that anyone can do it, of course to learn all of this will take its time, but one some patience and practice you could become a greate coder!

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