Turn your tv into a smart tv with raspberry pi

Today we can see that the vast majority of televisions are smart televisions meaning that it has a built-in computer and operating system. Smart TVs allow users to access the internet, run apps, and use other features that are typically available on a computer or mobile device. If this doesn’t ring a bell, you might ask, Why are Smart TVs popular? Well Smart TVs are popular because they offer a variety of features that are not available on traditional televisions. Smart TVs allow users to access the internet, run apps, and use other features that are typically available on a computer or mobile device. This makes them a versatile option for watching television, streaming content, and using other multimedia functions.

To expensive 💸

As I you might have rushed to watch the prices of this NEW Tv’s and well there are many prices, the price of a smart TV is a reflection of its features and capabilities. A high-end smart TV will have more features and be more expensive than a lower-end model. But what if we already have a TV?, in my case I really don’t want to buy a new TV, soo looking for

But in the case of some they have flat screens that are still useful and there is no need to change the television since these can be worth a fairly high price, just as in my case it did not seem like a good investment to buy some complement to convert my television into a smart television since there are different products such as —— so I came up with the idea of ​​using a raspberry-pi to invert my screen into a smart television, taking advantage of all the possibilities that can be done with a raspberry-pi, there is no commercials schedule raspberry pi and tons of the electrician word is — and if you want to know a little more you can visit this blogpost where we talk a little more about it.

Already having our raspberry-pi…

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